3.0 mi To POM - Port of Miami
Hours Before Booking: 13
3 people are looking today
Minimum Booking Day: 3
Long Term, Short Term, Daily or Hourly
Look for MET3 Miami Parking sign. Look for attendant on 7th level.
Enter garage, take ticket from machine, make left turn, go up ramp then make right turns until 7th level to see attendant.
This location accepts CASH only. No credit cards.
No ticket, misplaced or lost carries a $ 50.00 charge.
Premier Cruise Parking shuttle:
Disembarkation (leaving ship): 7:30 AM to 10:45 AM
Embarkation (entering ship): 11:00 AM to 3:15 PM
Continuously every 25 to 30 minutes
Free shuttle for up to 4 passengers only. No exceptions. You can drop off extras at the port and then come back.
Please Note: Garage Clearance is 7'0" .
Large SUV's are accepted but NO RV's or motor homes
~No Room Booking Required~
Located less than a half a mile from the Miami cruise port. Premier Cruise parking has a safe and secure parking garage that is man operated and under surveillance 24 hours a day.
This is a busy location; please allow a 30-45 minute wait and plan accordingly.
Free shuttle for up to 4 passengers only. No exceptions. You can drop off extras at the port and then come back.
Special Conditions
Posted On April 14, 2016
While the overall experience was satisfying and the attendants were quite accommodating, there needs to be better signage for entering the lot and we were told we would have covered parking, but it appeared that the lot was so overbooked, we were lucky to find a spot where there weren't cars parked in a manner that would block us upon our return!