1.6 mi To SAT - San Antonio International Airport
Operation Hours: 24/7
3 people are looking today
Minimum Booking Day: 5
Long Term, Short Term, Daily or Hourly
Please check in with the hotel before you park to receive your parking pass. You must do this before parking.
Hilton Garden uses Lyft as a shuttle service to their customers.
Call ahead 210-822-1554 and let the hotel know your arrival time so they can arrange a shuttle for you.
~No Room Booking Required~
Find us off Loop 410 West, two miles from San Antonio Airport via a complimentary Lyft to and from the airport.
24/7 front desk. Accessible.
We're five minutes from North Star Mall and 10 miles from downtown San Antonio, providing access to the Alamo and San Antonio River Walk.
Lackland Air Force Base and BMT campus are a half-hour drive away.
Special Conditions
Good location and friendly staff
Posted On January 03, 2024
Everything was good.