Hilton Garden Inn RDU

1500 RDU Center Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 US
4.8 128 Reviews     2.3 mi From RDU     Free Shuttle

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Hilton Garden Inn RDU

Description/Parking Instructions

The Hilton Garden Inn Raleigh-Durham Airport is a restful hotel one mile from Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Upon booking your parking space you will receive driving directions to the hotel. No room reservation needed. Complimentary shuttle service is included with your online reservation.

Parking Instructions: Please park along the tree line eaither at the side or the back of the hotel. Enter the lobby to do a brief parking check-in at front desk.

Handicapped Accessible On Demand Shuttle Service Secure Parking Lot

Operation Hours: 24 Hours

Shuttle Hours: 4am-Midnight Mon-Fri and 5:30am-Midnight Sat & Sun

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