Quality Inn Buffalo Airport (BUF)

4217 Genesee St, Buffalo, NY, Buffalo, NY 14225 US
5.0 1 Reviews     1.2 mi From BUF     Free Shuttle

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Quality Inn Buffalo Airport (BUF)

Description/Parking Instructions

Located directly across the street from Buffalo Niagara International Airport, Quality Inn Buffalo Airport (BUF) offers an excellent park-and-fly option at a great price, with a complimentary shuttle service.

Front desk open 24/7, Accessible parking.

Special Conditions

Operation Hours: 24/7

Shuttle Hours:

Shuttle Schedule: Available every 30 minutes, except at 7:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 11:00 PM.

Upon arrival, please leave your luggage in your vehicle.
Please Park near the front door, behind the shuttle.
Check-In: One person from your party should visit the desk to receive a parking pass (please have your license plate number ready).
Shuttle Process: Follow shuttle to long-term parking, and then you will be shuttled to the airport.

Airlines suggest arriving at airport 2 hours preflight; be sure to arrive at parking location well before this 2 hour window. 

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