Econo Lodge Norfolk Airport (ORF)

3343 N Military Hwy, Norfolk, VA, Norfolk, VA 23518 US
0.0 0 Reviews     1.8 mi From ORF     Free Shuttle

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Econo Lodge Norfolk Airport (ORF)

Description/Parking Instructions

Conveniently located just minutes from Norfolk International Airport, our parking facility offers hassle-free service with no extra charge for full-size vans, pickup trucks, or large SUVs. Plus, no hotel stay is required—simply park and go!

Special Conditions

Operation Hours:

Shuttle Hours:

Please check-in at the front desk upon arrival.

Shuttle temporarily suspended. You may arrange for your own Uber/Lyft

Return Shuttle: After collecting your luggage, call 757-853-2131 to request a pickup.

Airlines recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight. To ensure a smooth experience, please plan to arrive at the parking location before this window.

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