Hampton Inn (SDF)

800 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY, Louisville, KY 40209 US
0.0 0 Reviews     1.2 mi From SDF     Free Shuttle

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Hampton Inn (SDF)

Description/Parking Instructions

Conveniently located just minutes from Louisville International Airport, our parking facility offers a hassle-free experience with a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport.

There are no extra charges for full-size vans, pickup trucks, or large SUVs, and no hotel stay is required—simply park and go!

Special Conditions

Operation Hours: 24/7

Shuttle Hours:

Upon arrival, please check in at the front desk with your confirmation number and vehicle's license plate number.

The Hampton Inn shuttle operates 24/7 for your convenience. For pickup from the hotel or airport, call 502-366-8100.

To ensure a smooth journey, airlines recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight, so please plan to reach the parking location ahead of this window.

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