Hilton (CVG)

7373 Turfway Road, Florence, KY, Florence, KY 41042 US
5.0 7 Reviews     5.4 mi From CVG     Free Shuttle

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Hilton (CVG)

Description/Parking Instructions

Located minutes away from Cincinnati/N. Kentucky International Airport, just 10 miles from downtown Cincinnati and a few minutes from Turfway Park horse track. Enjoy Starbucks® coffee and amenities such as our indoor pool and fitness area.

Free shuttle service to and from airport included with online purchase.
24/7 front desk.

No extra charge for full-size vans, pick-up truck and large SUV's. 18 Wheeler trucks are not permitted. NO ROOM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED TO PARK HERE!

The hotel and its parking are Wheelchair accessible but no mobility scooters can be accommodated into the shuttle

Special Conditions

Handicapped Accessible

Operation Hours: 24/7

Shuttle Hours:

Upon Arrival at the parking location:

  1. Please go inside the hotel to check in upon arrival, font desk will give you a sticker to apply on dashboard. Please do not forget to leave sticker on dashboard as car will be towed if not apllied.

  2. Hilton Shuttles run 24 hours with a punctual shuttle departing the hotel on the hour and half hour

  3. If you are unsure about where to park, please inquire at the hotel front desk

  4. Please do not park in the Rafferty’s parking lot as your car could be towed

To get the shuttle from the airport:

  1. Call the hotel for shuttle pickup once you have gotten your baggage 859-371-4400

  2. After baggage claim please follow signs to ground transport West - ZONE 3

  3. Please allow up to 30 minutes for the shuttle to arrive at the airport after you have called the hotel. If you are not waiting in the correct spot, there could be a longer shuttle wait

  4. Please call the hotel if you are unsure about the pickup location: 859-371-4400

  5. Shuttles leave on time. 

Keep in mind that Hilton shuttles are punctual

Hotel is wheelchair accessible but is unable to accommodate mobility scooters into the shuttle

Airlines suggest arriving at airport 2 hours preflight; be sure to arrive at parking location before this 2 hour window.

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