5.4 mi To MIA - MIA International Airport
Hours Before Booking: 12
Operation Hours: 24/7
3 people are looking today
Minimum Booking Day: 3
Long Term, Short Term, Daily or Hourly
Shuttle runs 4:00 AM TO 11:00PM every hour.
Pickups are on demand
Please check in with a front desk associate to receive a parking pass prior boarding the shuttl, place the parking pass on the dashboard of your car.
Guest must arrive 20 minutes prior to the shuttle departure time or you will be required to wait for the next available shuttle.
During high demand periods, your shuttle way time may be longer than expected. If you choose to take alternative methods of transportation, that will be at your expense.
To arrange pick-up from the airport, please call 305-513-0777.
Handicap Parking: Due to limited number of spaces, Handicap parking is only available for short-term parking. So, if you are staying more than 2 days and require handicap access, please inquire at the front desk where to park.
~No Room Booking Required~
We're in the Doral area, five miles from Miami International Airport with a daily free airport shuttle.
No Oversize Vehicles
No Shuttle to the Cruise Port of Miami
Accessible parking spaces are limited. Must check with the front desk before parking vehicle.
You are parking and leaving your vehicle at your own risk. Please lock all doors and windows after removing any personal property or valuables from the vehicle. The hotel is NOT liable for loss or damage to your vehicle or contents.
Special Conditions
This is hotel/airport parking only, no cruise parking.
Posted On February 15, 2024
Excelente experiencia,al llegar al lugar nos registramos en la recepci�n,ah� mismo estaba el bus de acercamiento al aeropuerto.Al regreso llamamos al hotel y en 15 minutos nos recogi� el bus de vuelta al hotel. Encontramos el auto en las mismas condiciones en que lo dejamos.Es excelente opci�n para viajar si vives fuera de Miami.Buen precio del servicio.